- Why AccuDraw?

Affiliate Partnerships

AccuDraw is compatible with top Core Providers like FIS & Fiserv

Free Training and Support

No charge for Training, Support, or Upgrades...no Desk Fee either!

User Interface

Easy to Learn, Easy to Use -Most need less than 2 hours of training

Safe and Secure

All client sensitive data is stored on your servers, behind your security

Dedicated Team

Live Training, Support and Tech Assistance - Call, Email, or Text

We Speak Geek

Easy to Install and Maintain - We built AccuDraw with IT in mind

AccuDraw knows that they do not have to sell their software, after the demo, they give you a list of references and let them do it...

Mike Reiser-Chemical Bank

-AccuDraw explained

01. Quality

For the past 15 years, AccuDraw is the choice for this nations best local and regional commercial and/or residential construction lenders. They use AccuDraw to monitor and disburse construction funds for thousands of draws every month. We can arrange for you to talk to our lenders, and you can ask them why they use AccuDraw.

02. Design

Simple and Flexible.  AccuDraw is easy to learn and use. No two lenders are the same, commercial or residential, large or small...over the past 15 years we have built a flexible system that has everything you need to do it YOUR WAY! 

03. Development

We are constantly improving and upgrading AccuDraw to give you and your clients the most flexible and secure experience.  Our engineers will even customize your screens and reports to your exacting specifications.

04. Web Portal

AccuDraw provides your Builders, Borrowers, Inspectors  (and others you choose) the ability to submit draws, inspections, pictures and documents using our Web Portal. You have total control of who has access and you manage the flow of information for each draw...no more double entry, everyone is in sync.

05. Core Providers

We have customers that use the top Core Providers - FIS, Fiserv, Jack Henry - we provide the ability to batch process your daily draw transactions, interest reserve payments, and other fees. We can receive information from your loan origination platform too.

- Who uses AccuDraw


They manage, track, disburse and control the lenders funds. They are the reason we exist!


Residential, Commercial, and everything in between. They like the efficiency.


From site to site they cannot afford to waste time. We give them what they need.

- Teamwork

Grow your business with the best in the industry. We have worked hard to earn their trust.

- Want a live Demo?

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